How many working days in year 1996?
Here is the detail of the calculation:
Because 1996 is a leap year, it has 366 days.
Let's remove 52 saturdays and 52 sundays. It remains 262 days.
Now, let's remove 9 public holidays that do not fall during a weekend and we obtain 253 working days in 1996.
Here is the list of these 9 public holidays:
1. Capodanno : понедельник, 1 январь, 1996
2. Lunedì di Pasqua : понедельник, 8 апрель, 1996
3. Anniversario Liberazione : четверг, 25 апрель, 1996
4. Festa del lavoro : среда, 1 май, 1996
5. Festa di San Giovanni : понедельник, 24 июнь, 1996
6. Ferragosto o Assunzione : четверг, 15 август, 1996
7. Ognissanti o Tutti i Santi : пятница, 1 ноябрь, 1996
8. Santo Natale : среда, 25 декабрь, 1996
9. Santo Stefano : четверг, 26 декабрь, 1996
And here are the 3 public holidays falling on a weekend:
1. Epifania : суббота, 6 январь, 1996
2. Festa della Repubblica Italia : воскресенье, 2 июнь, 1996
3. Immacolata Concezione : воскресенье, 8 декабрь, 1996